Biology BooksAgriculture Books

Master Gardener Manual

Master Gardener Manual

Master Gardener Manual

This book provides information on environmentally responsible gardening and landscaping. Topics covered includes: Basic Botany, Physiology, and Environmental Effects on Plant Growth, Soils and Fertilizers, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Diagnosing Plant Damage, Pesticide Use and Safety, Plant Propagation, Indoor Plants, The Vegetable Gardening, Fruit Trees, Arboriculture,Pest and Pest Prevention.


sNA Pages
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Lecture Note on Agricultural Economics

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Training Manual for Organic Agriculture

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sNA Pages


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sNA Pages
Food and Agriculture   Powerpoint Lecture

Food and Agriculture Powerpoint Lecture

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sNA Pages
Agriculture lecture notes (PPT)

Agriculture lecture notes (PPT)

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sNA Pages