These are notes about
using mathematics to study the molecular structure of molecules, especially long
organic molecules like DNA and proteins. Topics covered includes: Molecular
Genetics: DNA, Proteins, Frames and moving frames, Orthogonal transformations
and Rotations, Torsion angles and pdb files, X-ray Crystallography, Lattices,
and Fourier Series, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and distance geometry, Protein
This book combines a
general overview of diffraction methods with a step-by-step description of the
process of a single-crystal X-ray structure determination experiment, from
chemical synthesis or expression to phasing and refinement, analysis and quality
control . Topics covered includes: Major techniques in structural biology, X-ray
fiber diffraction, Electron diffraction, Electron microscopy, Neutron
diffraction, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Single crystal X-ray