This PDF covers the following topics
related to Medical Parasitology : General Parasitology, Medical Protozology,
Amoebiasis, Pathogenic Flagellates, Medically important ciliates, Coccidia or Sporozoa,
Medical heminthology, Medically important treatodes (Flukes), Nematodes or Round
Worms, Cestodes or Tapeworms, Medical Entomology.
Author(s): Dawit Assafa, Ephrem Kibru, S. Nagesh, Solomon
Gebreselassie, Fetene Deribe, Jemal Ali
This note covers the following topics: serous
effusions, Peritoneal and Pelvic washings, Cerebrospinal fluid, Urine in urinary
tract lesions and urine in non-neoplastic renal parenchymal diseases.
This note explains the following topics: urine basics, A
little on the history of classification systems, What is the goal of urine
cytology, What is the guiding principle, What are diagnostic categories,&
This note
covers gynecologic cytology, Normal uterus and vagina, Infections and
nonneoplastic cellular changes, Cervical squamous cell lesions, Cervical
glandular lesions, Other cervical cancers and extrauterine cancers, Endometrial
lesions, Vaginal lesions, Uterine annexal mass lesions.
This book covers the following topics
related to cytology: Position of Cytology in Biological Science, The Organism
and the Cell, Structural Components of Protoplasts, Protoplasm, The Cell Walls
of Plants, Chromosomes, Cytology of Reproduction in Animals, Cytology of
Reproduction in Plants Other than Angiosperms.