The purpose of this web
resource is to provide fundamental concepts for managing nutrients in tropical
soils and container crop production. Topics covered includes: Soil composition,
Soil profile Factors that cause differences in soil behavior and performance,
Goals of Modern Nutrient Management, Soil-Nutrient Relationships, Soil Acidity
and Liming, Essential Nutrients, Soil Fertility Evaluation, Fertilizer Material,
Fertilizer Placement.
This PDF covers the following topics
related to Soil Biology : The Soil Food Web, the Food Web & Soil Health,
Bacteria, Soil Fungi, Soil Protozoa, Nematodes, Arthropods, Earthworms.
This note covers the following
topics: Soil Physical Properties, Soil-water potential- concepts and
measurement, Saturated water flow, Water flow in unsaturated soils, Field soil
water regime, Solute movement, Gas flow, Heat transfer, Spatial and temporal
variability of soil physical properties.
Soil Fertility book presents nine chapters written by renowned soil
fertility experts from Africa, Asia and South America. The book is divided into
two sections. Section 1, Biological Processes and Integration of Inorganic and
Organic Fertilizers for Soil Fertility Improvement, examines biological
processes that can enhance the soil fertility. The second section,
Improving Fertilizer Recommendation and Efficiency, looks at the
state-of-the-art in leaf sampling and analysis.
This class
presents the application of principles of soil mechanics. It considers the
following topics: the origin and nature of soils; soil classification; the
effective stress principle; hydraulic conductivity;
stress-strain-strength behavior of cohesionless and cohesive soils and
application to lateral earth stresses; bearing capacity and slope stability;
consolidation theory and settlement analysis; and laboratory and field methods
for evaluation of soil properties in design practice.