Biology BooksBotany Books

New Visions in Plant Science

New Visions in Plant Science

New Visions in Plant Science

The book covers new information on using metabolomics and nanotechnology in agriculture. The topics in this book are practical and user-friendly. They allow practitioners, students, and academicians with specific background knowledge to feel confident about the principles presented on a new generation of molecular plant biotechnology applications.


sNA Pages
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Practical Botany II

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Plants Database

Plants Database

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Basic Botany, Physiology, and Environmental Effects on Plant Growth

Basic Botany, Physiology, and Environmental Effects on Plant Growth

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sNA Pages


Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

sNA Pages
The Dispensatory of the United States of America Twentieth Edition 1918 (PDF 1576P)

The Dispensatory of the United States of America Twentieth Edition 1918 (PDF 1576P)

It is the last dispensatory published in the united states where the medicines were all plant based.

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