Foundations of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
contents in this site includes the following topics : The complete course is
comprised of three modules covering Foundations of Bioinformatics, Statistics in
Bioinformatics, Systems Biology. These modules holds the following contents :
Introduction to bioinformatics, Sequence Alignment and Database Searching,
Structural Bioinformatics, Genome Informatics: High Throughput Sequencing
Applications and Analytical Methods, Approaches to statistical estimation and
testing, Statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, Analyses involving
associations, Pearson correlation, t-test, and log odds ratios, Linear
regression, Regression models, Introduction to graphical methods for
multivariate data analysis, Clustering and principal component analysis,
Introduction to systems biology, Epigenome data mining to understand disease
predisposition, Computational clinical decision support systems, Application of
systems biology to translational medicine.
Author(s): University of Michigan
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